Monday, February 20, 2012

Overrated Sports Event - The Super Bowl

I hav
e to thank my brother for this topic! When he suggested it, I was happy to see we were both on the same page in terms of which was overrated and which was underrated. And so . . .

The Sup
er Bowl is overrated.

I don’t hate it or curse its existence, but I don’t really understand its popu
larity. I’ve never been a huge football fan, but I’ve watched my fair share of games. I have tried, really tried, to get excited for the Super Bowl, but I never can. There are four big draws to the Super Bowl. These are the angles pro-bowlers use to sell the game to ambivalent people like me.

1. The Game Itself

Obviously only two teams make it to the end to duke it out, but they are rarely the two teams that I want to watch. I’m not trying to be a baby and whine about my team not making it, of course the teams that make it are there because they deserve it. But what is the fun of watching two teams I rooted against during the regular season? And then there are two solid weeks of hype leading up to the game. I see the hype on TV, I hear it on the radio, I read it online. I never get as excited as the announcers, broadcasters, or writers. It becomes almost mandatory to side with one team, so I become obligated to pick the better of two evils and prepare myself to justify that reason to anyone who asks. However, really there are other things I’d rather make uneducated predictions about to some stranger in Wawa.

2. The Commercials

I used to love watching the commercials when I was younger. Now I just watch specific ones online or on TV when they re-air during a show I like. The commercials are really fun, but not enough to make it worth watching the game.

3. The Half-Time Show

I feel like this is something you watch so you can talk about it the next day, not because you think you will enjoy it. There was the controversy with Janet Jackson in 2004, and the controversy with M.I.A. this year. The crazy amounts of attention both have received seem excessive and annoying. It’s just like the commercials, I’d rather watch the show the next day online than put up with it live (well, 10 second delay).

4. The Company

Whether you watch it at a bar or a house party, this is the best reason I can see to watch the game. Delicious party foods, people to laugh at commercials with and poke fun at the half-time show with. But wait. . . we aren’t supposed to talk during the actual game? Noooooo!!!!!

Love the Super Bowl???? Convince me, please!

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