One of the best parts about finishing a book is discussing it with other people. That's why I like reading books that are popular, there are more people to discuss the plot and characters with. The Pillars of the Earth is one book that people regularly ask me if I have read. It makes sense, I love historical novels and I love medieval literature. I was given a copy a few years ago, and I eagerly started to read, expecting to love it. Unfortunately, I didn't. It's popular, but the reasons people give for why they like it have never clicked with me.
The Pillars of the Earth was published in 1989 and written by Ken Follett. It's been a best-seller in numerous countries and was even one of Oprah's Book Club selections. The novel is about a cathedral being built in a fictional town named Kingsbridge in England in the 12th century. It follows the lives of the architect Tom Builder, the villainous William Hamleigh, and Prior Philip, a monk at Kingsbridge. Everyone is ambitious in their own way, motivated by either family or morality. There is mystery, fighting, and romance, but there are also endless pages describing the process of constructing a cathedral, endless rape scenes, and characters whose actions don't make any sense set in the 12th century.
My main feelings about this book can be summed up by a reviewer on amazon.com:
"My true criticisms lie in Follett's inability to write with any literary skill. His syntax and idioms are far too modern for a work of historical fiction. Midway through the book it occurred to me that there were few metaphors, similes, just conflict after conflict which drove the plot. He writes without mood, feeling, or anything that makes language meaningful and beautiful."
Ultimately, the plot and characters are the biggest draw of the novel, but the writing is weak, needs LOTS of editing, and just never pulled me in. Interestingly,The Pillars of the Earth was turned into a TV mini-series in 2010. I found the mini-series much better than the novel. It has the basic plot points and characters without the rambling descriptions.
Thank you. My friend gave me this book to read, and it's like going through mud, no poetry in this book.