Friday, March 30, 2012

Underrated - Hobbies

When I wrote that Cable TV is overrated, it took me a little bit to decide what the antithesis of it would be for the purposes of this blog. I almost devoted this post to Netflix and how great Netflix Instant is (so great).

But then I realized that by watching less TV, I've had more time to devote to what are essentially hobbies. I can't say with a straight face that watching less TV has meant more time to do work. I still desperately need my downtime. But now I've found myself interested in things I thought I'd given up on, like playing the piano, running, and reading books that aren't mandatory for school.

The feeling of setting a goal and then sticking to it has always been there when it came to school and work, but not so much in other areas of my life. I'd forgotten how much of a break from school and work it can provide.

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